Local Marketing
Local marketing is also known as store marketing or neighborhood marketing. It is a marketing strategy to reach out to the local audience looking for you online.
Local marketing is also known as store marketing or neighborhood marketing. It is a marketing strategy to reach out to the local audience looking for you online.
T1MS.AI has a dedicated team of local marketing experts that provide you with successful local marketing. We target such communities that are in nearby locations like physical stores or restaurants. We target the local population and direct our messages to them. We do not pitch on the mass market as it is not useful for small businesses having limited coverage.
By developing a great local marketing strategy, we not only attract new customers for you but also drive a company to our repeat business policy, where your customers will approach you again for sure with the effect of our local marketing. Our local marketing has a special push facility that allows the store to stake out its significant presence in front of local mental maps of the community of consumers.
Our Development
Here our experts work for the development of your local marketing campaign diligently. We create a number of strategies to use in your local marketing process. To create awareness in the neighborhood, we start with simple direct emails with the details of coupons and upcoming sales as well.
By having experience of organizing too many marketing campaigns, we have a key of information, which we use for your benefit.

Our Strategy
We turn back to learn about your last year lessons and look forward to the expected trends for the current year. It helps us create customized and effective local marketing strategies for your website. We create a very simple, easy and clear strategy. We accept the challenge of upcoming technologies and provide you better results with the use of these technologies.
Our Process
Sending too much information doesn’t look nice and also it reduces the curiosity of the customer to know more about your product. We do not send too much information at a time and don’t bore your customer with a boring script. Nowadays customers already have all the information and they do not want to read more about the service. We convey the right message to your customers and do not rush them with mere call to action as only pitching for action steals the interest of the customer, and that’s not good for any business.
Here we take care for each and every important topic to prove you a better local seller.